About the Magic of Life & the Power of Letting Go
„When I cheated my way through the scholl-art-education during my teenage years and my grandpa – a fantastic painter but very much of a perfectionist – made the impression on me that art and me will likely never be a match made in heaven, no one, especially not me would have guessed that I would find my way back, with joy and passion, to this form of art 😉
But in 2020 it happened – colours, shapes, light, shadows, minimalism, abundance, hidden things and obvious ones – all the magic of life may express itself in my art.
Traditional & modern watercolour techniques, mixed media, a bit of acrylic and again and again, with delight, a few magical metallc effects are my creative expression.
I am inspired by spirituality and the art movement of romantiscism as well as the great painter Caspar David Friedrich.
About watercolour I especially love that you have to let go during the painting process and the that special something of the uncontrollable, unforseeable, the creation-out-of-it-self that is such a strong aspect of this painting technique.
Et voilà – like magic there forms a captured and felt view on the world put down on paper! ✨ „
but to reflect his soul, his feelings.
To recognize the spirit of nature and feel it with your whole heart and mind,
to take it in and to express it, is the task of an artwork.“
Caspar David Friedrich

My Works of Art

Art for the Heart
Cooperations, Licenses, Commissions