Film & Acting

„Acting is an intense, wonderful kind of work and I love it to evoke a story to life, together with a team of people, to give it all for the character and to do him and the message behind the story justice!
But what makes acting, what makes movies truly special to me is that you can touch people deeply and give them an inspiration for their life. We are all on our individual life path and movies can be such a valuable companion which lets us feel and experience certain things, give realizations, set free positive energies and may have an effect on our behaviour and thereby an effect on our unique world!
It is important to me to especially make movies that reach out into the depth of being, which make the ordinary into something special and picture life’s hope, confidence and love!“
Statement about Acting
As much as I’m into acting with my heart I also always had an ambivalent relationship with the “film business”, out of many experiences. Thank the Lord, I myself never had to cope with any traumatic experiences, some dicey ones, yes, but a lot is shown by quoting on of my former acting teachers: “The actor to me is like a vase, I have to break him first into thousand pieces so that I can put him newly back together then.”
And as much as I tried diligently for some time to fit in, I guess the “film business” itself also had an ambivalent feeling towards me. Not at all did I took the typical, classical road of a serious actor and it was hard to put me into a scheme:
* An „unsteady“ résumé with performances in theatres as a teen – academic studies in chemistry – education in acting – theatre – movies – also active in music – poetry – and much more.
* Did put together my acting education individually by myself.
* The first lead in an independent movie, not so typical for Germany.
* Most of the German series do not appeal to me, my heart beats for movies with a certain depth.
* Horror, splatter, blood and thunder – not my cup of tea. No problem if there is need for drama but, please, for a truly world-moving topic, and not for the next, random crime thriller.
* Love to work in English on set – so foreign film offers are very welcome 😉
* I am honest, straight, authentic, self-determined and I have a deep respect for all people on set and in the production area because I almost went through every task myself.
But this is indeed exactly what you get if you hire me: An individual human being with a passion for movies!
I take my job, the project of the director/production firm and the character which I am allowed to play very seriously! You get 100 %.
For me the story of a movie is crucial and less if my part is super important. The movie must be important! This I support with my being, my energy, my abilities, my transformation ability, my dedication to acting!
The people with whom I was blessed to work with till now say exactly this about me in their feedbacks. I am very grateful for that!
My life decision since 2013: Only projects that I can fully stand behind! Sure, this makes offers rare, unfortunately. Also it should not be understood as arrogance. It simply is the realization that staying true to yourself is one of the highest priority in life, at least if you want to be happy and give your absolute best for any project! 💜
Short Film • Production, Director & Script: Thomas Busse • 2024
Retired religion teacher Advunt Holljestrop (Erwin Geisler) lives a secluded life near the sea. He enjoys immersing himself in theological studies, which have given him a wealth of knowledge. But he has always kept his heart closed to people. He seems lonely, brooding and unapproachable.
The old man is hiding a great secret. He once dreamed that Christ would pay him a visit on Christmas Eve. As absurd as it seems, he firmly believes it and sets the table every Christmas as if it were for a king. But his longing wish remained unfulfilled.
It’s Christmas again and Advunt Holljestrop’s flame of hope flares up once more. But everything turns out quite differently than he had imagined…
Thomas Busse’s new film deals with the questions of lived authenticity, true charity and genuine humanity. A touching, profound and inspiring Christmas story from his own pen. A remarkably decelerated, atmospheric film that brings the magic of Christmas to life!
The lead role of Advunt Holljestrop is played by Erwin Geisler, who already appeared in Thomas Busse’s last feature film „Lisa and the Artist“ (2018). He is a renowned actor who played in Karl May’s „Winnetou“, among others, but also appeared in „Verbotene Liebe“, „Lindenstraße“ etc. and can look back on a long, successful career in front of the camera and on stage.
Julia Domenica Busse plays the mother, one of three supporting roles.
Latest Film Project
LISA UND DER MALER (Lisa and the Artist)
Movie • Director: Thomas Busse • Lead: Lisa Brendheim
A modern fairy tale…
Because of a stroke of fate, since some years the painter Philipp Marton (Thomas Busse) lives withdrawn on an old estate. One day while Phillip is painting outside, Lisa (Julia Domenica) appears, a young woman who breaks down nearby totally drunk. He takes care of the unconscious one and let her sleep off her hang-over.
Meeting each other in the morning two totally different worlds collide. The tensed connection between Lisa and Phillip, their antipathy and fascination for each other, are bringing topics to the surface that stir up both of the protagonists on the inside. Above all, the question of the meaning of life is in the foreground! As is well-known opposites are magnatic and so they come closer. But then the story takes an unexpected turn. Evil is forming and their blossiming affection is strongly put to the test.
A movie – entertaining and profound all at once, living from the charism of both the lead actors. Refreshingly different and closer to the flair of Frensh than American movies. It touches your heart in a special kind, makes you thoughtfull, encourages. But above all it tells about the magic of love and its healing power!
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Such a nice movie with beautiful music and a really great leading actress. The content of the movie is so valuable and gives strength and hope. It has a slowing-down effect and is therefore very relaxing. It touches the heart. (…)
As a former cinema owner with 30 years of professional experience I was stunned by this movie. This compact put together master-piece-of-work offers much more than just the best of movie entertainment.
Spiritual values in all its depth shake hands with greates art of acting. Pure soul food – far away from any shallow Hollywood production. I see here the new spiritual film classic that plays its way into the hearts of entire generations.
The movie was just wodnerful. The pictures, the music and last but not least the great acting performance impressed me very much. (…) All I can say is: Hats off!
Find more feedbacks at
Latest Documentary Project
"Bruno Gröning - A Call to True Christianity"
Documentary • Director: Thomas Busse •
Released as stream in January 2022
Documentary about the life and spirutal statements of Bruno Gröning, who got publicly known especially during the Fifties because of many healings. The documentary’s main focus lies on Bruno Grönings close relation to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Numerous interviews with contemporary witnesses as well as a few unpublished private videos form the objective and sound approach to this extensive topic.
Julia took on the following work areas in this project: DOP, Sound, Editing Assistance, Colorgrading/Correction Assistance, Voice Over for Josette Gröning
Latest Short Film Project
Science Fiction Parody "C.S. STABTIC - Abenteuer im Weltraum"
The film „C.S. STABTIC – Adventures in Space“ is the final project of a long-standing acting group led by Thomas Busse (annual course „Acting lessons for personal development“).
Julia stepped in for one of the main roles.
The year is 5555 and the spaceship „C.S. STABTIC“ is on a long journey through the universe to explore new worlds.
The crew is different, special – not to be compared with conventional crew members of similar spaceships. And they keep getting into dicey situations and unusual adventures.
They encounter the dangerous Zeckenter and their notorious Captain Dark Folder, have to survive the aspiric Desire Nebula and get caught in a gigantic energy field of volcanic turbulence. Their rescue methods are extraordinary, crazy and ingenious at the same time.
This movie breaks the chains of all previously made science fiction movies! It is bad, illogical, surprising, absurd. And that’s what makes it so irresistible – Schwubbididu!
In Pre-Production
Spritual Comedy Movie
Film • Production, Director & Script: Thomas Busse • Shooting planned for 2026
Details will be announced here.
Julia will play the lead in this film.

Find a complete list of films, videos, hosting etc. in Julia’s résumé.