
„Music has a magical power to touch human’s hearts directly. Everyone knows out of own experience that music immediately effects our mood, our emotions.
I find it very fascinating and it opens up a wodnerful world of possibilities to inspire the listener, to motivate, to relax and to companion him on a journey to himself.
Because if we get in resonance with music, in the truest sense of the word, then it does something with us but also tells something about us.
And music has such a wonderfully healing power…“
On Tour with Thomas
Since 2012 Julia accompanies her husband, longtime singer-songwriter Thomas Busse, on his tours. Thereby she got introduced into a whole new part of art which she never thought would open up for her.
She accompanies Thomas Busse with her voice, with her instruments and with poetic texts. The audience enthuse about the two of them as „messengers of love“ and appreciate the positive, sometimes critical and always grounded attitude of the couple.
Though it is unusual, at present knowledge, to include the body tambura in a concert, the excitement of the audience shows well how wonderful the combination of guitar and body tambura harmonizes.
Current tour dates always here:
Julia’s Instruments
The Body Tambura
The body tambura is a string instrument with uplifting sound and intense resonance which was developed with music therapy in mind.
This extraordinary body instrument enables deep relaxation by building up a „sound carpet“. It lingers on into the silence, a touching experience. The harmonious sound has a lightful, ethereous as well as grounding quality and the full-body-sound-experience is deeply relaxing and softly stimulating. The stress-hormon-reducing effect of the tones got researched in various, scientific studies. Find more information about the instrument here…

The Buffalo Drum
A big frame drum with earthy sound and a very long reverberant sound.
Playable in many variations in position as well as sound reminds this American fram drum of native American sounds.

The Lotus Tambourine
Remo designed this limited tambourine especially for the world-famous rhythm artist Layne Redmond.
A sharp, bright sound of the drum, crisp and strong-vibrating jingles can be played optionally.

Percussion Instruments
Rhythym is a major part of music. It gives structur and dynamics.

uplifting. energizing. deeply relaxing.
„WAVES“ is a diversified, pure, deep, musical journey which gives space for experiencing relaxation, inner peace, connection and letting go.
The first instrumental CD by Julia with the body tambura as a central instrument came out in 2020 as a new edition because of ongoing popularity – with a new, fresh cover design and re-edited sound version.
The unique sound carpet of the body tambura and its touching overtone variations are the diversified centre of every song.
Sometimes pure, sometimes combined with powerful nature sounds or further sound elements. Always essential is the „filled silence“ which stays after the sounds of the body tambura have faded out.
For enjoyment and support during your favourite relaxation method like meditation, yoga, Qi Gong etc.
Video about the CD
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„WAVES“ includes 5 songs:
You can also buy „WAVES“ as a digital download at Digistore24.
with ethereal-choral singing
Length 9:30
with wind sounds
Length 8:47
only the body tambura
Length 18:17
with sea sounds
Length 12:26
Length 11:07
MORNING GLORY (Audio Sample)
Video Selection
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© Julia Domenica Busse, 2021
Alle Rechte sind ausdrücklich Julia Domenica Busse vorbehalten. Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, Übersetzungen in andere Sprachen, sowie Verwertung durch Funk, Fernsehen, photomechanische Wiedergabe, Tonträger jeder Art, elektronische Medien sind nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung von Julia Domenica Busse zulässig. Unautorisierte Nutzung und Vervielfältigung wird strafrechtlich verfolgt.
The rights of property and use of the poems by Julia Domenica Busse are belonging exclusively to the author. Unauthorized use and copying will be prosecuted.