Word Art
„As a word artist (modern term for poet) I want to give the reader or listener of poetry a modern access to the poetic world. For me poems and poetic texts are timeless because they deal with topics that move people in their heart of hearts over centuries.
For me it is not necessarily the kind of art that is in the foreground of attention but the intention behind and what shall be communicated with it: I want to create and give art that touches, supports, reaches out into the depth of being, makes the ordinary into something special and shows life’s hope, beauty and love!
To uncover a bit of life’s magic – that is a matter of heart to me!.“
The Book "ICH BIN DA"
To make the essence perceptible – of life, of moments, of feelings. To open the heart – for beauty and profoundness. this is a task word artist Julia wishes to face, in her own aesthetics, tranquility and connection, if she creates poems, prayers, poetic texts and stories.
Since her early childhood Julia writes poems. Now she released a first selection of poems, thoughts, prayers and poetic-spiritual, short novels.
A touching, divers work – full of depth and devotion.
(Only German version available at the moment.)
Video about the Book
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The book contains 5 chapters:
Chapter I
profound, inspiring, reflective poems
Chapter II
Thoughts and Prayers in the Spirit of Christ
Chapter III
Inspirations about Self and Self Love
Chapter IV
Poems about Nature
Chapter IV
poetic-spiritual, short novels
The titel „ICH BIN DA“ („I AM HERE“) stands for the presence of the divine that shows itself in all aspects of creation, gives hold and comfort.
Julia’s texts are moving and inspire. Some of her poems are reflective, others joyful or even awakening. They motivate to think about yourself and the Lord, they inspire and give courage. Often they have a calming after effect. A wide space, a filled silence lingers after reading.
In it all Julia’s deep connection to life, nature and to the energy and love of the creator is shown.
Video Selection
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© Julia Domenica Busse, 2021
Alle Rechte sind ausdrücklich Julia Domenica Busse vorbehalten. Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, Übersetzungen in andere Sprachen, sowie Verwertung durch Funk, Fernsehen, photomechanische Wiedergabe, Tonträger jeder Art, elektronische Medien sind nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung von Julia Domenica Busse zulässig. Unautorisierte Nutzung und Vervielfältigung wird strafrechtlich verfolgt.
The rights of property and use of the poems by Julia Domenica Busse are belonging exclusively to the author. Unauthorized use and copying will be prosecuted.